The second first day of filming

 Hey blog. I met up with Sarah at around 4 o'clock yesterday to film our first half of In The Shadows. We discussed scene by scene the steps it would take to make filming perfect. Using our initial, wrongly vertically shot film, as refence we were able to get the job done. Filming went great. We initially started with the first scene of Sarah waking up from her phone alarm. After 30 seconds of awkward silence the alarm finally rung. Sarah arose from her slumber. Then I film Sarah turning on the lights and walking out the room. Before I continue its worth mentioning the first filming went way over time. Because of this we had to throw some scenes out. Notably a scene we had to get rid of was the one where Sarah opens the door to a knock of which no one was there. I really appreciated this scene as the director but it had to go in order to meet time requirements. We also has to get rid of scenes where Sarah puts on makeup as that also took over a minute and a half of time. We opted instead for a more cinematic shot of Sarah brushing her teeth with cinematic close ups of the tooth paste dispenser. We still shot the scene of Sarah cooking eggs. This scene I again made the mistake of shooting it vertically. Through the gracious power of editing however I turned it horizontally. You may be asking "if you could edit the vertical shot to horizontal, why didn't you do it for the first initial shooting of the film" , to which I say I TRIED BUT IT LOOKED HORRIBLE WHEN I DID. With the cooking scene however the transition from vertical to horizontal was way smoother as there was no person in the shoot meaning a person would get turned sideways. We then shot the scene of Sarah exiting to the elevator. This took manipulation of the elevator so there was not a wait time for the elevator to come up. The manipulation was done by Brayden (who showed up at 5:30) outside the shot holding the elevator at floor level. When Sarah presses the button the doors just seemingly open. Making due with what we had. This was the last shot of Sarah's apartment scene. Today we will be filming Brayden's scene with Sarah at the park. We are very excited and cant wait to finish up.


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