short film planning blog


Hey blog! I am back and better for 2024 with my group of peers. First off, our schedule is an upcoming conflict. All three members of my group have extremely tight schedules. Sarah has volleyball games, practice, and a job. I am captain of our schools wrestling team and I have tournaments every week. Brayden work at least 3 days a week and play soccer regularly. So you can see we are a pretty busy group.  


Nevertheless, we have started to put together a schedule for filming. Due to the amount of conjunction in our schedule, we have decided to film on two weekends in February. We are going to film 2 parts of our film. totaling 4 days of dedicated film days. The film will be shot in a total of 3 locations. The location of our film will be in a home and a parking garage as well as a local gas station.  


Sarah and Brayden will be the main actors in our film. I am in charge of filming and editing. 

 Although there are scene where it may appear a actor is physically harmed; Safety is the most important aspect of our film. We ensure with the creation of this short film, no one will be physically harmed. we ensured that that was the case for our group. We would not want anyone to get hurt because it would be inadequate to the time we have to film the actual video.  


our props will include kitchen items, make up sets. Our props will also include large physical items such vehicles and set items in the gas station.  


Our costumes will Be influenced by our actress. We intended the film to feel real to an extent so our actress will be wearing a comfortable outfit that a teenage girl would wear on an everyday basis.  

Backup filming locations 

Our back up filming locations will be A local park and the props involved will be A soccer ball and the costumes will include soccer cleats, Jersey and a goal net at the park. This will be coupled with cones to film drilling scene. Luckily we already have permission to film on 2/3 premises. We will need to ask permission from the local gas station to ask if we can film for our project. Once we receive that we have a green light on filming! 





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