Planning blog: title design

 Welcome back to my blog! My group and I are getting close to filming our final task. This means I get to design our title for the sequence.

The first scene will include credits with the font "Sabon Next LT" in the middle of the screen. This text will be in a normal to large font size.

For the credits that are to be embedded in the scenes, some examples of places the words would be located on are the side of a building, the inside of an elevator and on top of a pool table.

Possible title: the title for this film will most likely be something like "Lost Love"

The title will be bolded and in the font "Sabon Next LT" and the font color will be a bright white.

The main title will have a slight pulse and then will fade out.

The title will last about 3-4 seconds while the credits will last 2-3 seconds each.

The name of the person who did the job will be a font and a half sizes bigger than the job they did.

Example: "Edited by: John Doe"


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