Pre filming

 Before I started filming with my group. My group members and I all first had to find a place to meet. My friends and I met at a local bowling alley. We chose the bowling alley because it was closest to everyone while being near the mall.My group-mates and I were at the bowling alley for around 2 hours playing games and just having a overall bonding moment as a group. It served its purpose to put us in the right setting to work with each other. I brought my phone to record, and Luke was in charge of the props I told him to get. After the bowling alley we went to the mall to start filming. That’s when we realized we were Ill prepared as Brayden was not dressed right for the music video. I was pretty upset with this as everyone else was completely ready to film. But being to far In the process, getting upset helps no one. So we had to think of our next step moving forward. Thinking quickly, we decided our best bet would be buying an outfit for brayden at the mall. At first we just wanted to get a Santa  hat for brayden to where. So we went searching and stumbled upon a pop up hat shop. The guy at the hat shop then informer us he indeed had no hat to sell us. So we had to buy an actual outfit for him. Luckily I brought enough money to buy brayden an outfit from Macy’s. I got brayden a green Christmas shirt and plaq Christmas pants. In total it came out to 25$ and was worth every last penny as it covered my worries. After we got the outfit from Macy’s we were ready to film.


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