Post filmling

 After we got done filming, My group members and I explored the mall. After our filming experience we got food and reflected on our shots. We talked about our favorite shot. We discussed which part of the video we would only include a little of. And we also talked about what we would include more of. I feel like I'm carrying the most burden As I Have to edit the Music video. Editing will be the most labor-filled part of this entire process. I have to add effects and filters. I did most of the production and camera work in this film. And I Am doing all the editing. So I'm happy to be a main contributor to the music video in terms of production. But it doesn't neglect the fact that it is a lot of work to do. Especially for one person. But I will get it done. I told my group members I am going to make it look as good as I possibly can. I thanked them for giving me their trust in this project by giving me the keys to be the creative director. They thanked me for taking the burden off their shoulders. Our discussion after filming we talked about the beach shots and how I really wanted to get the mall Santa in the shot but to no avail. We decided that the beach shots were definitely not getting done because we are all pretty burned out from the mess that was filming day. Thankfully the film we filmed was deemed good enough by all of us and we had in total 10 minutes of film for our minute and 15 music video. So the day ended on a good note. 


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