FIlming of video

The first filming location we had in our storyboard was set to take place on las Olas beach. That, however, was not in the cards for the day of filming as we had no ride to las Olas beach. So we had to make do with what we had. Thankfully Galeria mall offers cool displays. Meaning lots of places to improvise and make cool shots with. We started our first shot outside. Galeria mall has a display of 2 giant and brightly illuminated rain deers that really stick out for our shots. We filmed by having Brayden do the entire songs at our different locations so we could get any shot for any part of the song. This was done so that I could do most of the work for the editing. We filmed the next shot at the big tree in the middle of the mall. The shot was a medium-long shot showing all of Brayden in the frame as he dances while sitting under a Big Christmas tree. We then shot a shot where its a close-up of Brayden's face and the camera pans out to reveal the tree in the back. In our next shooting location, we found props that were previsioned by the mall, which we took the initiative to use. We found a 4 feet tall gingerbread man to film with and a candy cane for Brayden to hold as a prop. My group members and I were faced with our final task, the mall Santa shot. We approach the mall Santa if we could shoot with him in them; this is when tells us he cant be In the video because he is about to be done with his shift. But he informed us when he left that we could film in his absence. I was ecstatic about this filming location and this is where i believe we shot the best clips in the music video. I was very happy with the footage we got. All and all a very good filming experience with its ups and downs.


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