Editing done

 I finally finished the editing for the music video. It took in total 2 and a half hours of head down work. But I'm very happy to get it finished. It was pretty long and grueling. But the creative fireworks in my head were popping off as i was editing the music video. The process of the editing was mainly cutting up the pieces of fim and matching up where they fit in its appropriate place in the song. It was hard to get a Clip of Brayden and the giant glowed up reindeer in the video as it became apparent that the lighting was not good enough to use in the video often. The most useful clip we got of Brayden was him singing the song underneath the giant Christmas tree in the middle of the mall. Although the process was not preferable. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The most useful editing too i used was the split tool that automatically split the clips and made the editing process a lot easier. Getting the sound in the music video required me downloading the mp3 version of the song on apple music. Next I had to place the file in the music video and match the timing of the words with the music video. My attempt at making the music video transition smoothly was a success. I can confidently say the video is not choppy at all and makes sense for the theme of Christmas. I added filters and edited the lighting to fit the theme more.I also added fake snow in the beginning shot. I am honestly proud of the music video and take a lot of pride in the work I put in with my groupmates. This Music videos came with its ups and downs, and im more than happy to get it done. I am happy to share these experiences with my groupmates and be a Main contributor in the creation of the video.  I thank my group members for making the experience enjoyable even with the hiccups that we went through during the creation of the music video. We mark those moments where we get frustrated at each other as minor bumps in the road as we keep moving forward on our path.


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