The vision

 First Scene- 

 An establishing shot of the actor at the beach. The actor is wearing a Christmas hat and holding a stocking to influence the Christmas theme of our video.  

Second Scene- 

 The actor is filmed sitting on the bench with a happy Christmas present. This shot is taken at a low angle and portrays the actor as big and overjoyed. They're kicking their feet to the song. 

Third Scene- 

 We track the actor to a reverse zoom shot then where the actor is walking backward on the sidewalk. We zoom in as the actor is doing this to emphasize the action and the Christmas feeling the song creates. 

Fourth Scene- 

 Pans to a wide angle of large reindeer in front of the mall, the actor is walking in front of it to capture the Christmas vibe. 

Fifth Scene- 

Wide shot of the actor on the escalator, overjoyed to be at the mall; the Macy's entrance near Starbucks is where the actor will go into the mall from. 

Sixth Scene- 

 The actor pulls fake snowflakes out of their pocket from an over-the-shoulder shot which then cuts to an individual medium shot of the actor walking towards the camera into the Starbucks throwing them in the air. 

Seventh Scene- 

Canted transition into the actor lip-syncing the song and turning the closed sign on a store in the mall, the employees become overjoyed, this was a three-shot of two employees and the actor specifically. 

Eighth Scene-  

Aerial shot in an elevator of the actor walking in which then cuts away to them clicking all the buttons at an extreme close-up of just their hand and the buttons. Then it cuts to the actor walking away from the elevator area in Macy's. 

Ninth Scene- 

 The actor is filmed walking through the mall at a low angle, looking around at all the stores and Christmas decor. 

Tenth Scene- 

The actor spots the mall's fake Santa Claus and runs over to him. Tracking shot is used to film this portion, and the actor is then filmed by his chair getting a present! 

Eleventh Scene- 

An over-the-shoulder shot is used to film the actor walking away from Santa cherishing their gift. The scene cuts to a tracking shot from in front of the actor of them walking out of the mall after lip-syncing the song. 

Twelfth Scene- 

The shot is a wide-angle multi-shot now of all the people and the actor standing outside the mall. They are all celebrating and happy because of Christmas. It then cuts to a medium shot of the actor getting into a vehicle, the song ends as they are driving away, and the words merry Christmas fade into the ending scene. 




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