The production update

 My team has not started production yet. We plan on shooting the film Saturday on the 8th. Due to the fact a hurricane hit our home state of Florida, it delayed our filming. My team has all the props needed to shoot the film. The only thing we need left is the time to do so.I am more than excited to film our commercial. I cleared my entire schedule on the weekend just for this commercial. Id like to believe my group members are as exited as I am to work on this commercial. I have always loved the processes that go in to making something great. Having rough patches are what makes a journey so rememberable. For this commercial I am using Brayden's phone to film due to him having the newest camera and phone. We want to have the best video quality possible for this commercial. For our editing tools we will be using I moves and some sort of effect app to add effects into the commercial. More than likely the editing app we will use to edit the commercial will be filmora. The props we are using are all personal items that we own. Transportation to Holiday Park would be a issue for me. More so than my other group members who live closer to the park than I do. Luckly my mom will drop me off at the park even on her birthday weekend. I think it is worth mentioning that both of my parents birthdays were this week so time constraints are at a all-time high for me. We plan on shooting at around 12:30 when the sun is out. This way we have more daylight to film so we don’t have other extraneous factors hindering our ability to shoot this commercial. 



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