All about me

Hi name is Elton Angulo, In no way am I a artist of any sort. But creative visons are something I have very often. I am very excited for this class as it is an opportunity to apply my creative vision to application. I consider myself a film geek as I love the world of film and know about camera angles and directors' visions. My favorite part about movies has been the actual camera shots to film and I have hopes to be the man behind the camera for my group. But where ever their is a need for my group I will fill it. But aside from the world of film, I love sports. My favorite sport all my life was an American football and I was playing that sport since I was 4 years old. It was until I was 14 when I realize the sport was not for me anymore and I started wrestling for my school's wrestling team. I fell in love with the sport and made it my number 1 hobby and have hopes and dreams of becoming a state champion for my school and even helping out the team after I'm done being a wrestler. I have been working hard in the sport of wrestling, and it has taught me very valuable lessons. Wrestling instils a mindset to give everything you do your all. My coaches have become somewhat of a big brother figure to me, leading me in the right direction. Wrestling teaches you other valuable lessons like overcoming adversity and taking chances and being confident in the choices you make. I think that these values carry over to practically anything in the world. I believe that throughout the course of this class, there will be times when I don't want to do things that are assigned. But I will push through my own mental blockage and keep moving forward. Other than that, i am more than excited to do this project as i get to do it with my friends. Working on a school project with my friends is almost always a very fun time. I don't know what we are going to make our commercial on, but I'm sure it is going to be tons of fun and we are going to learn a lot. I am feeling hopeful and excited for this project.


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