My group

As said in my previous Blog, I am more than excited to make a commercial for my class. I'm very thankful for the fact that we get to choose our own group. With That being said, I choose my group members based on my personal relationship with them. This process of group selection is frowned upon by most teachers and is the reason most teachers in any other class would not allow personal group selection. But I withhold the belief that a good relationship between members of a communicative effort often gives the best and most genuine results. My group consists my middle school friends Brayden and luke. Not only are these people my best friends, they also provide a unique set of skills in which are all going to contribute to the success of this commercial. Starting off with luke, I met Luke in the 6th grade, and he and I instantly hit it off. We both have a love for comedy and horror movies and luke has a unique creative vision in which can be shown by his choice of clothing. Luke has ...